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How to use Track feature seamlessly for free? 


Upload File

Select from Storages: zDrive, Dropbox, One drive, Google drive, or Upload Directly


Personalize security settings

Protect sensitive documents by setting user permissions and access restrictions.


Generate Link

Share link via whatsapp, email or any other means for quick distribution


Analyze to understand

Improve user behavior by understanding patterns, time spent and pages viewed

Use Case

Simplified & Compliant Onboarding Process

Fund Raising
Aadhaar eSign simplifies employee onboarding processes, eliminates paperwork, and accelerates the completion agreements. It also ensures compliance with legal requirements and improves employee experience during onboarding.
Sales Enhancement
Aadhaar eSign simplifies loan applications, enhances customer experience, and lowers operational costs for microfinance institutions. It also reduces fraud and boosts loan volumes and financial performance for MFIs.
Enabling Compliance
Aadhaar eSign solutions help stockbrokerages comply with regulatory requirements related to user onboarding while also providing enhanced security and a seamless user experience.
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Streamlining HR Documentation

November 10, 2022

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Aadhaar Esign


Empowering Sales: Benefits of Tracking tools for Sales

November 16, 2022

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Why is the User Workflow Important!

November 20, 2022

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